The blurb under it says 内容は未定 (naiyou wa mitei) which means details are pending. What details? Probably the names of whoever made it to the competition and the announcers and TBS trying to do some sort of foreshadowing that if you read closely enough gives away the ending or something.
September 17th! 6:55 to 10:48! Be there or be square!
Awesome news. I don't start classes until the day after, so I can watch it in full.
Okay so a 3 hour broadcast this time. It actually started around the same time as last time so I'll be awake :)
Thanks a million!
I'm slightly excited :).
And of course, in pure excitement, I post that and don't even think about the details.
I don't have a windows machine anymore, I made the jump to Mac (finally).
So, no TVUPlayer, no KeyholeTV. Either that or I have to set up a Virtual Machine.
Would you happen to know of any Mac TV software akin to TVUPlayer or KeyholeTV?
Didn't KeyholeTV distribute Linux sources too? I wonder if I can get it to compile...
MacPorts and me might be good buddies for a while.
im beggin i dont have 2 go 2 school tht day
and jason, you can use parralel to have windows as an exitable screen on ur mac (thats what i hear)
Finally... What I've been waiting for.
Although I have class during last hour, I might be able to watch it on my laptop or the portable version of TVU. Hopefully, I can watch it without the teacher catching me :D
It's projects (more like something fun than regular class) so no one really cares... I've seen someone watching starcraft match during the whole 2 hour projects.
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