(Note: I had originally just had a copy of the text at the top but the effect is lost if you can't see the colors and whatnot)
*Whew* That's a lot of katakana in there. But if you read it, there are actually a lot of English words being used. Is this the blog of some ESL student who can't spell? Not really. This is from the latest post by Japanese talento ルー大柴 (Lou Oshiba). An actor by trade somehow Lou (a self-described "traveler") came up with the idea to sprinkle everyday English words between the Japanese ones when he is talking. Thus, グラスイズ (glasses) instead of 眼鏡 (めがね) and the use of レィトゥリー (lately), ユージャリー (usually) and so on. He has done movies and TV ads but apparently he can be a bit annoying to some. For some reason, back in May of '06 someone decided that he needed a blog and since then his odd mix of katakana English and Japanese has made him popular with the kids on the net in Japan.

In fact, there is a Lou Translator that has become quite popular whereby you drop text or a web page and it's transformed into a more Lou-like page.
Thus this becomes this. (Article in English is here)
Much more entertaining to read, I must say.
This is actually the second version of his blog. The original is still here.
He is also now appearing on the NHK show みんなのうた (the five-minute program that sometimes airs after some shows) and you can see him sing here (thanks to youtube user sabian152).
And he wants you to buy his new book! (thanks to youtube user watken1)
Note: The translator doesn't work on English.
Also, for the hell of it, here is the Japanese wikipedia front page as put through the translator.
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