Friday, January 08, 2010

Four winning lottery tickets in Ube

Update: Sorry, four not two tickets.

The residents of Ube have been trying to figure out who exactly they have to rob/rip-ff/schmooze/mooch off of ever since it was revealed that four of the winning tickets for the Year-End Lottery (年末ジャンボ宝くじ) were sold at the 宇部琴芝チャンスセンター (Ube Kotoshiba Chance Center, specifically the one next to Izutsuya in the middle of town). One ticket is worth 3億円 (300 million yen), one 2億円 (200 million yen) and two are worth 5千万 (50 million yen) . As of yet, no one has come forward to claim their prize. The same center also sold a winning ticket ten years ago which means you should go somewhere else for your tickets until 2019.

Youtube video thanks to user Mone5706:

FNN News article and video

Mainichi Story

1 comment:

Arsenette said...

LOL not you? :p I'm sure the people who won are afraid they'd get mobbed by the media... AND their friends lol
