Remember this? (thanks to youtube user kiunao)
Apparently Monster 9/Digital 9 and Epoch (the makers) think that it's time for an update to the old サスケ&筋肉バトル!!スポーツマンNo.1決定戦 (SASUKE and Kinniku Battle! Sportsman No. 1 Kettei-sen) and at the International Tokyo Toy Show 2008 unveiled their new version of the game, 究極!筋肉スタジアム!サスケ完全制覇 (Kyoukyoku Kinniku Stadium! SASUKE Kanzenseiha. The game went on sale 7/19 and they will apparently be selling them at Muscle Park when Katsumi Yamada is there (hey, Shingo is going to be there again!).
Wow. Over half that paragraph is blue (or whatever color your browser presents it as).

I can't quite categorize the game. I guess it's an exergame because it's promoted as helping you burn calories. They refer to these games as 体感ゲーム (taikan game) - they usually come with a mat or some other equipment and then you plug them in to your TV and play. It involves lots of running in place and whatnot (as seen in the video).
Here are some screenshots "courtesy" of Toys R Us Japan and some place called Jupiter:

I wonder if they could make something like this for the Wii? Notice that they've added on KUNOICHI to the game. It's hard to see on the box but I believe it says 44 SASUKE areas, 34 KUNOICHI areas, 10 Sportsman No. 1 stuffs and 6 I believe fitness checks for a total of 94 different things you can do with the game,
Get yours for only 6999 yen! Order now!
Any suggested place to import from?
That actually looks cool :D.
Sorry, don't really know. Toys R Us Japan and Amazon Japan don't ship outside of Japan.
I'm sure you could probably find the first game for cheap on-line somewhere.
Thanks...Can always count on you to keep us up to date. It does look interesting. Not sure I could keep up but might be fun to try.
Looks like Sasuke Mania is in full swing now that we get closer to Sasuke 21!
I'm curious too if they are going to do a Wii game! TYTYTYTY :)
know whats most interesting?
the unused skywalk obstacle from sasuke 19 is there. look in the background to that picture with the salmon ladder.
perhaps this means skywalk is making a reappearance at sasuke 21?
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