Stupid "#%()'$#%( weather.
Rain, The Beatles
(thanks to debsue)
One More Rainy Day, Deep Purple
(thanks to elihzzz)
It's Raining Men, The Weather Girls
(thanks to SuperPat1972)
Singin' In The Rain, Gene Kelly
(thanks to hafizaguncesi)
No Rain, Blind Melon
(thanks to hqvids)
Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday was supposed to be here but watching the video sent me on a quest for something else so I'm using what I found instead.
(thanks to peternokidding)
I've been lucky where I am though some of the other girls are being innundated with rain where they are. Poor Tricia is constantly running to her basement because of the tornadoes.. but Pam can't get a drop of rain if her life depended on it.. Hope the weather clears up!
I keep getting thunder, but no rain. The storms always split right before they get to my house and the blocks surrounding us get the rain, we get bupkis. Or if it does rain, it's only enough to leave those annoying little spots on your car.
Wish I had a basement - they're rare in my state. Everyone goes to an inside room with no windows. My closet and I are good buddies. Don't mind the rain but really don't like the bad storms we had this spring. Tornado season isn't over yet. The rain has been good for my yard though. Grass looks great.
Good call on not including Chocolate Rain.
Though, I notice a distinct lack of Madonna's Rain.
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