Thursday, December 13, 2007

Ronaldinho in next Sportsman No. 1

I was just browsing through the New Year programming and caught this on the TBS website:


This roughly translates to "We've got our biggest participant yet with superstar Horseyface Ronaldinho!"

Should be interesting. I believe Paul ANTHONY Terek will be there to defend his title as will Wakky since he is the reigning Geinojin champion plus someone from the San Francisco Giants and other athletes from around Japan.

The photo at the top of this post (stolen shamelessly from the TBS website) seems to be a bit spoilerish since Horseyface Ronaldinho looks like he's just missed his carrot a ball during the Shot-Gun Touch.

I may or may not live-blog it but the damn thing is something like four hours long (with the Monster Box portion taking up at least 45 minutes). Of course, it's not like I have anything else to do on New Year's Day.

1 comment:

Jeannie said...

Hey there. I'm Bunny_Here at Nagano's Official Fan Site. It's so nice that you've posted a few things there. I hope to hear a lot more from you.

If you'd like to see some G4 stuff, please email me. You can get my email address through my Blogger profile. Talk to you soon!
