SBI Card is (or was, depending on when you read this) holding a contest for people (well, people who read Japanese) using Google Earth called the Search the Circle Campaign (謎のサークルを探せ). Two people who can find the three keywords will get a chance at 1,000,000 yen (100万円).
Of course some people can't resist and they've spilled the beans:
This blog takes you through all the answers up until the final one and this one gives you the coordinates of The Circle (you click on it to get the entry form). It also has all the answers in one handy post but where's the fun in that? Of course you have to enter in each keyword first to get up to the circle and you can get them here, here, and here. The final clue is contained in a video released on youtube.
Blueberries man, blueberries.
Oh, and I forgot to mention. The contest started on April 25th and ends tonight May 31st at midnight (all times presumed to be JST). I already entered. You didn't think I'd just give people this information, did you?
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