Saturday, March 31, 2007

最強の男は誰だ!!壮絶筋肉バトル!!スポーツマンNo.1決定戦XXXV 新王座決定戦は話題のアイドル対決 Sportsman No. 1 Geinojin Battle Muscular Athlete Championship Challenge Battle 

Results from the Sportsman No. 1 Geinojin (Entertainer) Competition

Final: 諸星和美 Morohoshi Kazumi vs. ダンテ Dante
Winner: ダンテ Dante

Winner: 源 Gen (70 Kg)

Monster Box
Three-Way Tie (19)
ワッキー /源/ダンテ Wacky/Gen/Dante

Muscle Gym
佐藤弘道 Sato Hiromichi

ワッキー Wacky

6. 230 points 源 Gen
5. 270 points ダンテ Dante
4. 300 points 佐藤弘道 Sato Hiromichi
3. 355 points 白井涼 Shirai Ryo
2. 375 points 高橋光臣 Takahashi Mitsuomi
1. 450 points ワッキー Wacky

Notes: There were many new contestants this time around and the two men who have won the last seven Geinojin Battles (なかやまきんに君 Nakayama Kinnikun and 池谷直樹 Iketani Naoki) were not competing. ワッキー Wacky, due to his past performances seemed like a shoo-in to win but he didn't take the lead until the Shot-Gun-Touch and part of that was due to the fact that ダンテ Dante tried to go for too much at the beginning and couln't hold off the rest of the competitiors. It looks like TBS is trying to make 佐藤弘道 Sato Hiromichi a new Muscle Ranking star, judging by how hard they promoted during this program and SASUKE.
Like SASUKE, there were a lot of new things. Shot-Gun-Touch and Monster Box are holdovers from before but Conquistodor and Pectocross are completely new while Muscle Gym is a new version of Quick Muscle.

1 comment:

saranne said...

Hey... I just found your blog, and thought I'd leave a comment, as a fellow ube-ite.
Saranne (
