I think that because Fukuoka lacks the name value of Tokyo and Osaka the plane I rode on wasn't nearly as over the top as other photos I've seen on the net. No staff wearing Hello Kitty gear and the in-flight meal wasn't as crazy as I thought it would be. However I did get some nice "freebies" from them:

Hey, what's that on the left?

Yes, Sanrio believes that Kitty needs to be a vital part of your motion sickness.
I'll admit that I was excited when I realized that I was going to be riding on the Hello Kitty plane. And it was quite interesting, except for the video and song that play over and over while you're waiting for take-off. For anyone who does get to ride on the plane, when you're watching the video please try to get a close look at Kitty when they get really close up to her black dress. I won't explain, you just have to decide for yourself when you see it. I was just disappointed that the safety video didn't feature Sanrio characters.

Note: For anyone who wants to use these photos, go ahead but a) save it and upload it yourself, b) give credit and c) keep the crappy watermark down on the left. I know it'll be unlikely but I'm just saying, you know?
Do airlines in the states still give away decks of cards? When I was growing up my family had a drawer full of decks from United, Continental etc. I was surprised when I got this:

I don't think Japanese airlines give them out. If anyone has info (because I'm too lazy to google it) let me know.
Only five more days till SASUKE 2007!
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