Saturday, October 11, 2008

Kane Kosugi Week! Kane: The Videos

Happy Birthday Kane!

To celebrate this Kane-errific day, let's review all the videos that neat person on youtube, lostinjapan999 *cough* has uploaded of our man of the hour:

Geinojin Sportsman No. 1 First Half

Geinojin Sportsman No. 1 Second Half

Pro Sportsman No. 1 First Half

Pro Sportsman No. 1 Second Half

Kane: Try Again

Kane goes to Shaolin

Wait a second! There are some new videos up! They must be there to celebrate Kane's birthday! Enjoy!

Kane does SWAT

Kane does some acrobatics

Kane does some wirework

Kane does some stunts


Chaki said...

Hi Ube,

First fell for Kane on a NHK kids show...9, 10 years ago? (How could anyone like Sato Hiromichi when there was Kane is something I still can't figure out. Friends have offered unsatisfying theories.)

Some Kane trivia:

He was once voted as The Celebrity Women Want Most to Go Into A Haunted House With. (On Kotaete Choddai, an afternoon news variety)

The funniest thing I've ever heard him say was describing Iijima Ai as "Ai-san is just like a guy." Iijima was the hottest porn queen of the 1980s, but she's quite outspoken "like a guy." Still, hubby said, "Hey Kane, don't belittle an important part of my puberty!"

For a while, it seemed Kane was on everything we watched, not that we were even looking out for him. On NHK kids shows, we'd rent Jackie Chan and he'd be saying "Takeshi Japan," he was Detective Noda from NY on Hagure Keiji, on travel shows with Iijima Ai, besides Monster 9 stuff. Can't say I'm a huge fan but I miss his presence on Japanese tv.

Arsenette said...

Thanks for the videos Ube! I didn't see the bottom half of the videos before so it was cool to watch :)

LOL Chaki about your husband messing with him about that porn star! LMAO!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Methinks I'll have to pay more attention to these competitions in general. One more reason to get my ass in gear and get JNet working :).
These videos are amazing.
