Sunday, September 25, 2011

SASUKE2011秋ナビ SASUKE 2011 Fall Navi and some SASUKE2011秋 Competitors

The next SASUKE is on October 3rd, which is an unfortunate date in terms of getting information since most of the TV magazines start at the beginning of the month. But there is some information out there. The TBS website has  SASUKE2011秋ナビ on October 2nd from 16:00 to 16:54 JST. This is only for the Kanto area. Other areas get nothing.

For some reason, some other sites have SASUKE2011秋ナビ listed as 明日7時SASUKE (literally SASUKE Tomorrow at 7:00).

The Yahoo TV Guide has the most information so far. It has a partial list of some of the famous people appearing on the show. The usual entertainers, some new, some old. And a couple of odd choices. Here is what they have below:

内藤大助 Daisuke Naito (Former WBC Flyweight Champion)
石丸謙二郎 Kenjiro Ishimaru (Actor)
杉村太蔵 Taizou Sugimura (Former politician turned talento)
ワッキー(ペナルティ) Wakky of Penalty (Comedian)
ハイキングウォーキング(鈴木正志・松田洋 昌) Hiking Walking QTaro Suzuki and Hiroaki Matsuda (Comedy duo)
小島よしお Yoshio Kojima (Comedian)
なかやまきんに君 Kinnikun Nakayama (Comedian)
菊地幸夫 Yukio Kikuchi (Lawyer/Talento)
池谷直樹 Naoki Iketani
恩田祐一 Yuichi Onda (Olympic Cross Country Skier)
長谷川恒平 Kouhei Hasegawa (Amateur Wrestler)
城下麗奈 Rena Joushita (Hurlder)
栗田佳織 Kaori Kurita (Karate champion/Talento)
愛川ゆず季 Yuzuki Aikawa (Idol/Pro Wrestler)
長野誠 Makoto Nagano
山田勝己 Katsumi Yamada
山本進悟 Shingo Yamamoto

橋本大地 Daichi Hashimoto (Zero1 Wrestler)
榊原徹士 Tetsuji Sakakibara (Shinsengumi Rian)
山上暁之進 Akinoshin Yamagami (Teenage magician)
小宮理英 Rie Komiya (Muscle Musical member)

藤本つかさ Tsukasa Fujimoto (Pro wrestler)*
高橋賢次 Kenji Takahashi
モハメド・パリド・イシャム Mohammed Farid Isham  (Sasuke Malaysia Winner)
奥山義行 Yoshiyuki Okuyama
リー・エンチ Lee En Chi
デイヴィッド・キャンベル David Campbell
Yuuji Urushihara

*Might have only attended Trials

Here's the Yahoo TV Guide page for the show along with a picture.

Front row left to right: Yoshio Kojima, Kinnikun Nakayama, Wakky, Daisuke Naito, Makoto Nagano, Katsumi Yamada, Taizou Sugimura (?)
Back row left to right: Yukio Kikuchi, Kenjiro Ishimaru, Hiking Walking (Suzuki, Matsuda), Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Naoki Iketani

Friday, September 09, 2011

SASUKE 27 (SASUKE 2011秋) Airdate Announced



SASUKE 第27回大会【SASUKE2011 秋】の放送日が決定いたしました。

19時00分~22時48分 TBS系列


Or in other words October 3rd, 19:00 to 22:48 JST on TBS.
