Tuesday, July 21, 2009

6 dead and 9 missing in Yamaguchi and Tottori

Latest story as of the time I'm posting this.

Yikes. I knew the rain was bad today but I had no idea it was that bad. 6 people are dead and 9 (according to the latest report) are missing. 3 of the casualties and 4 of the missing are from Hofu City in Yamaguchi. I believe all of them are elderly people who were staying at ライフケア高砂 (Life Care Takasogo), a retirement home that was hit by a mudslide.

Ube caught a lot of rain but it stopped long enough before starting up again to cause minimal damage. Hofu got 256 millimeters of rain in a 24 hour period. The heavy rain caused the Sanyo Line Shinkansen to running between Hiroshima and caused a total of 158 trains to suspend service.

Some photos here.

More videos here.

Obligatory Japan Today article.
